Episode 1039

"Eat Like a Baby, Swear Like an Adult"

Your Hosts

About this Episode

In this wide-ranging episode, Jonathan and Cody reunite to ask the big questions:

When do you stop being “from Kansas City”?

Why are people pretending not to swear when they stub their toe?

And is there really only 8 billion people on Earth? Because it sure feels like more.

Jonathan tells the story of how he lost a sale by telling someone from Salem, MA that she is not, in fact, “from Boston.” Cody coins the phrase “New Orleans Chiefs,” and the guys debate whether moving the Royals across the state line actually matters. Spoiler: it doesn’t if you’re from Cass County.

They also rip apart the new “Eat Like a Baby” diet (Jonathan: “Babies eat slow because they have no teeth!”), and break down the cultural phenomenon of the Hot Mugshot Girl, who may or may not be getting arrested for clout. That naturally leads to a conversation about attractive people getting out of speeding tickets and the complicated ethics of body cams, crime, and charisma.

Also in the mix:

Why men become obsessed with mowing the lawn after age 30

Whether tall grass once hid saber-toothed mole cats

And why the real freaks are the 26% of people who claim they don’t swear when they stub their toe

As always, Cody wraps things up with some real talk about his tech shop, Akins PC Repair, and their new line of gear that might just outlast your laptop, your phone, and possibly your next several relationships.

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